A new year of productivity with Coda
Whether your resolution is to be more organized at work, travel more, or keep up a health care routine, these customizable templates will help you get there.

Myles Gleason
Marketing Project Manager at Coda
Product teams · 9 min read
Start your New Year’s goal off with you.
Whether you’re setting your sights this year on better self-care, ambitious career moves, or more adventurous travel, every strong New Year’s resolution must start with a clear goal. These vision-focused templates will help you align and plan out the big goals in all aspects of your life.Personal Goals
Raechel Timme, Coda’s Head of People, is big on helping Makers become the person they want to be, at home as much as at work. So, her Personal Goals template is the perfect place to to track your mental and physical health, as well as your relationships. “I built this tracker to be a good reminder of what I'd like to achieve and also a place to celebrate the progress I've made,” Raechel said.
Planning Your Dream Life
A few years ago, Denis Lim and his wife decided to step back from their Bay Area jobs and move to Paris. You know, the dream. Denis created this template about their brainstorming/planning process, and it is both great insight into how exactly the Lims pulled off their dreams and a roadmap for you to pursue your own in 2025 and beyond.
Transform your New Year's resolutions into a concrete plan
Have you ever felt frustrated by the scope of your goals? Luv Gupta gets you. “I always felt that my personal yearly resolutions didn't stick and that working just with weekly goals made me prioritize unimportant tasks,” Luv says. So Luv pulled some work practices into his own life and began building out quarterly goals. That “combination of long-term vision and short-term execution” changed the game for Luv. This extensive template helps you unite long-term and weekly goals under one umbrella template that easily connects to your calendar.
Shishir's To-Do List Philosophy
To build Coda, our founder Shishir Mehrotra had to make his way through years of vital to-do lists, and he’s developed a pretty comprehensive philosophy for the practice. This template is a handy way to start triaging tasks and itemizing steps to achieve your goals for a new year, but it’s also a quick interrogation of your goal-setting style and your motivations behind listing tasks. This kind of philosophizing isn’t always something we associate with the daily task of setting to-dos, but it’s a fantastic way to center yourself around the whys behind any given task.
If your New Year’s goal is to keep everyone on task.
Keeping yourself accountable on productivity is one thing, but when you add a team, it takes a whole other level of organization. Here are some work-focused templates to kick-off team alignment for Q1 and beyond.Product team hub
This template is one of the foundational Coda set ups. It’s built to keep product teams on the same page for years at a time, so the planning capabilities are strong with this one. The home page has quick links to team messaging systems and external tools, and the project tab lets teams set easily read and adjusted roadmaps for the entire upcoming year. Basically, this is a comprehensive space for anything a team might need. While it is aimed at project teams, the product team hub is agile. It can be easily implemented for other kinds of teams.
The Marketing Team Starter Kit
Similar to the product team hub template, this planning doc has everything a Marketing team might need. Content calendars, promotions trackers, workback tables, and other communications aids. It’s a nicely comprehensive doc that with templates to help your team with better workflows, cross-functional partnerships, and internal visibility.
If your New Year’s goal is to invest in self-care.
Building a solid self-care routine is a relaxing and practical way to help you stay energized in any arena. Here are some templates to help you create the best self-care routine that works for you.The Power of Reset: Arianna Huffington’s secret to de-stress and unite teams
After Arianna Huffington stepped back from leading her digital media startup, The Huffington Post, she created an app to help fight burnout across the country. And her team’s one-minute secret to centering and building a stronger rapport? Creating 60- to 90-second videos of images or videos each person finds relaxing. If you’ve never thought of building a team video feed, check out Arianna’s reasoning on the first page of this template.
My Journal and Daily Check-In
Jen Anthony works on our Customer Success team, so they know a thing or two about keeping people happy. This template is a great one to take home with you. It’s a daily check-in that lets you record the emotions that defined the day and add any highlights, giving you an easy way to take a look at your trends over the last few months and consider where to focus your energy.
Dreamline Calculator by Tim Ferriss
This template, created by Al Chen, a Solutions Architect at Coda, is a great excuse to take a step back and consider your personal five year plan. It’s an adaptation of the Dreamline process from Tim Ferriss’s The Four Hour Workweek, in which you consider these core questions: What do you want to have, who do you want to be, and what do you want to be doing in five years? Once those big goals are set, you break them down into required actions and required costs. From there, it’s just a matter of recording your progress as you work toward those goals!
If your New Year’s goal is to improve your health & wellness.
Making strides in your health and wellness journey takes consistency. We can help with that. These templates are attractive, easy, and even fun ways to stay on top of your goals and see what steps you need to take next.Food Tracker
If you’ve ever gone to pull ingredients out of the fridge only to find expired veggies and sour milk, you’re not alone. With this handy grocery tracker, you’ll get a heads up when your perishables are on the edge of expired, and you can add them to a new grocery list with the tap of a button.
Pace Calculator: Calculate Run Performance
This template is for those of you trying to run a specific race this year. Need to check your pace on a 5 or 10k? This is an easy plug and play template that will show you how long you can expect a race to take at your current pace and what it would be like if you were able to speed up your average.
If your New Year’s goal is to be more adventurous.
Sometimes, more adventure requires more planning. Unless you’re an experienced traveler or camper, taking off for a foreign country or unfamiliar hiking trail without the proper preparation is just asking for trouble. Besides, looking at all the cool things you’ll get to do on an upcoming trip only heightens the expectation! Here are a few planners to get you outlining (and daydreaming!) for your next adventures.Trip Expense Tracker
If you’ve ever been on a trip and lost track of who bought which dinner or covered which tickets, you’ll know exactly how helpful this template could be. You add people who went on the trip, the activities and costs, and who participated in what, and the template splits who owes who how much. It’s a really ingenious set of tables that does all the math and cuts through any money-related travel confusion!
The Ultimate Trip Planner
The only thing this planner won’t help you with is getting your friends on board. Once you have your traveling group ready to go though, it will help you figure everything else out. It’s a set of embedded templates that includes an easy way to organize everyone’s votes on the trip destination to planning flights, hotels, and what to wear. Whether you’re a veteran traveler or first-time voyager, this is the perfect way to organize your thoughts and expenses.
Travel Planning Toolkit
This straightforward planner is for those of us who already know where we want to go and more or less what we want to do there. It’s an attractive way to see exactly how your week lounging at the beach or wandering a new city will play out.
If your New Year’s goal is to be more organized.
Working on your organizational skills doesn’t have to be limited to one arena of your life. Getting things together at home just might just help you focus on work more efficiently, leaving you more time for friends, family, or yourself. Whether it’s being organized at home, in your life, or at work, here are some tools to help.For Home: KonMari Checklist for Tidying Inspired by Marie Kondo
If you’ve been itching to clear out some space in your home, this KonMari template will let you loop the whole family into the tidying process. The template has categories for everything from tops and trousers to cookbooks and the stack of loose cords we all have shoved in the back of a drawer somewhere. It’s a truly comprehensive tidying checklist!
For Life: GTD To-Do List with Gmail, GCal
David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” framework is a five step system that lives up to its name. With a solid GMail and Google Calendar integration system, this template can help you get things done in pretty much any arena. The template is designed to help you sort and prioritize tasks at work, home, school, or wherever you need to get anything done.
For Work: Meeting notes and Project tracker with tasks
If you talk to pretty much anyone at Coda, you’ll hear about these templates more or less immediately. Most of us track conversations in the meeting notes template at least weekly and check in on our team’s project tracker nearly daily.