Manage docs
Transferring docs
When a user is deactivated either manually or through SCIM, is important to avoid those docs becoming read only when someone leaves your organization. In the doc transfers tab you can see doc transfer requests and docs that were previously owned by your deactivated users. While you as an org admin are responsible for transferring docs, makers within your org have the ability to request ownership of a doc if the current owner has been deactivated. You will be able to see and approve any requests for doc ownership.Doc management
These settings will you an overview of all of the docs in your workspace and a dashboard with some doc statistics. Org admins have access to view and manage all docs within their workspace including the ability to adjust sharing settings, move docs to different folders, delete docs, and transfer ownership of docs to different makers.You can filter to just see any public docs that are available outside of your workspace. Learn more about how to transfer docs, preparing a doc for transfering, and what to do when a doc has been transferred to you.
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