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To-do listsPersonal goals
To-do listsPersonal goals

Plan your year

Docs to turn resolutions into reality.
Planning Your Dream Life
This simple step-by-step planning tool helps you define your dreams, achieve your ideal lifestyle, and plan for "retirement".
Personal Goals
Track your personal goals and growth with this simple, customizable tracker.
Transform your New Year's resolutions
An interactive yearly goal planner to convert your resolutions into a concrete plan.

Docs in Personal productivity

The Inbox-Zero Challenge: How long can you keep up your streak?
My guide to achieving and maintaining Inbox Zero.
Pre-mortems: How a Stripe Product Manager prevents problems before launch
How my team uses pre-mortems to prevent major problems for important launches and initiatives.
Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Updates & Resources
Daily updates on COVID-19 including tests, confirmed cases, deaths, recovered patients, and more.
Eigenquestions: The Art of Framing Problems
Hoffman fanmade coffee calculator
Quickly calculate brew ratios for delicious coffee based on James Hoffmann's recipes
How to Find the Perfect CS:GO Mouse Sensitivity
Click mo' betta
Shishir's To-Do List Philosophy
Dreamline Calculator by Tim Ferriss
This step-by-step calculator helps you define your dreams and achieve your ideal lifestyle.
Assignment Tracker
A simple solution to track your assignments and work!
Meeting notes
Meeting notes
Law School Admissions Checklist and Results Tracker Template
Law School Admissions Checklist and Results Tracker Template
Everything you need to do to apply to law school
Public Neurodiversity Support Center
Don't worry, we're here to help!
66 Day Challenge Habit Tracker by Robin Sharma
This template allows you to track your daily activities so that you can hit the 66-day mark to turn your activity into a habit.
Split Costs with Friends
Easily split costs from rent or travel with friends, family, or roommates
Track and analyze your expenses
View and add expenses, review your spending habits and customize categories.
Jessica Powell's Guide to Great 1:1s
Shishir's Color-What-Matters Calendar Guide
Why (& how) coloring your calendar can solve your time issues.
Fear-Setting by Tim Ferriss
Define your fears instead of your goals to overcome inaction.
Time tracker
Start and stop the clock throughout the day for each category of activity you spend time on, and set up customizable notifications
The Notion User's Guide to Coda (2022 Edition)
GTD®: 6 Horizons of Focus by David Allen
"Work" can be viewed at different altitudes or horizons of focus. Use 6 Horizons of Focus to frame your conversations, questions, and tasks to define your work.
Collaborative Movie / TV List
What are my friends watching? A collaborative movie and TV list you and your friends can use in real time.
Pace Calculator: Calculate Run Performance
Running pace calculator for your mobile phone to calculate your finish times for marathons, 10Ks, and more. Easily calculate your pace and convert between miles and kilometers.
Des Traynor's 4-Step Prioritised Productivity Guide
The Intercom co-founder's guide to stop letting everyone else control _your_ time.
Flexible Invoice System
This is a template to illustrate how a Coda doc can become a light-weight invoicing system.
Simple To-Do List
Simple To-Do List
Check off tasks. That's it.
How to run the most effective one-on-one meeting [+Template]
A one on one meeting template for managers to keep track of their meeting notes with their direct reports. 1:1 meetings are important for performance feedback and goal setting.
Daily Habit Tracker by OfficeNinjas
This habit tracker by OfficeNinjas co-founder Nancy Chen-Salgado gives you a quick and easy way to make sure you are hitting your daily habits.
Analyze your time with Google Calendar
This is a template to illustrate how a Coda doc can become a powerful way to understand how you spend your time.
How to Build a DIY Kids Sandbox [+ Pictures]
The joy of building a simple sandbox.